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Privacy Policy, like the vast majority of Internet portals, uses cookies to improve services and facilitate the user experience when browsing the website.

At, it is the user who decides whether or not to accept said cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each user so that the server remembers certain information that can later be used for different purposes, from making the web browsing experience much more efficient, to remembering the start information of session, which contains your shopping cart or the connection with social networks.

It is the operator of the website that determines what type of information said cookie contains and what its purpose is, and it may also be used by the web server each time the user visits said website.

There are many guides that explain in detail what cookies are and what they are used for, such as the following:
How does use cookies? only uses the cookies that the user allows us to use and, in addition to accepting or rejecting the use of said cookies through the website, you can always manage and control these through the configuration of your browser.

Here is a source of information that specifies how to carry out this process:

Internet Explorer:
What cookies does use?

We have used some of the existing guides to classify and define the cookies we use, grouping them into three groups:

A) Performance Cookies

They are cookies that collect information on how the user uses the website (pages visited, control of navigation errors). All the information collected in them is completely anonymous and its objective is focused on helping us understand how our website works, as well as for the location and solution of problems to facilitate user navigation.

These cookies allow:

– That the user navigates correctly through the website.

– That collect information on how the user uses the website, and thus understand the usability of the site, which will help us implement the appropriate improvements.

These cookies do not collect any information about the user that could be used for advertising purposes, or information about their preferences (such as their user data) beyond that particular visit.

B) Functional Cookies

The purpose of these cookies is none other than to improve the experience of our users. uses these cookies to remember certain configuration parameters or to provide certain services or messages that may improve your experience on our website. For example, they remember the country or language you have selected when visiting the pages, and are not used for marketing purposes.

These cookies will allow:

– Remember your login data as a customer when you return to the page.

These cookies will not collect any information about the user that can be used for advertising purposes, or information about your preferences (such as your user data) beyond that particular visit.

C) Marketing Cookies

These cookies are managed by third parties, so you can use their tools to restrict the use of these cookies. Some of the cookies are used to link to other web pages that provide certain services to, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google. Some of these cookies will modify the advertisements of other websites to adapt them to your preferences.

These cookies allow:

– Link with social networks

– Pass information about your visit to the page to adapt advertisements on other pages.

Consider that those that have been installed before modifying the configuration will remain on your computer and you can delete them using the configuration options of your browser.

What happens if Cookies are disabled?

Some functionalities of the website will be disabled, such as, for example, remaining identified, keeping purchases in the “shopping cart” in an e-commerce service or receiving information directed to your location.

In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, all our clients, users and visitors are informed about the legal information related to the company that owns the site website located at the Internet address:

* Address: C/ ANGUSTIAS Nº13, 29740 TORRE DEL MAR, (MÁLAGA)
* Fiscal Identification Number C.I.F.: B-92612399

All communication with by any means or through your email address, or the form on this ‘web site’ or your ‘e-mail’, implies express consent for your personal data to be incorporated into files owned by RAHERRERA CLINICA DENTAL SLP, whose address is C/ ANGUSTIAS Nº13, 29740 TORRE DEL MAR – MÁLAGA

In compliance with the provisions of the General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on Data Protection, we inform the user that the personal data that they provide us voluntarily, by any of our means of collecting information, will be incorporated into the Automated processing activities of personal data owned by RA HERRERA CLINICA DENTAL SLP, in order to be able to provide you with our services, as well as to keep you informed about issues related to the activity of the company and its services.

RA HERRERA CLINICA DENTAL SLP fully complies with current legislation on the protection of personal data, and with the confidentiality commitments inherent to its activity.

RA HERRERA CLINICA DENTAL SLP has adopted the necessary technical measures to maintain the required level of security, depending on the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the processing, with the aim of avoiding, as far as possible and always depending on the state of the technique, its alteration, loss or treatment or unauthorized access. To carry out the aforementioned management, it may be necessary to transfer the data to those in charge of processing, public administrations (which can verify the veracity of the data).

In the event that the USER provides personal data, referring to natural persons other than himself, the user must, prior to inclusion, inform them of the content of this clause, in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations ( EU) 2016/679 on Data Protection.

RA HERRERA CLINICA DENTAL SLP as responsible for the Treatment Activity, guarantees the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability of the data provided, according to the provisions of the General Regulation 2016/679 of Data Protection , the USER may exercise their rights at any time by writing to the registered office, attaching a copy of the CIF or Passport.

RA HERRERA CLINICA DENTAL SLP guarantees that all commercial communications addressed to its clients comply with current regulations.

Therefore, in compliance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce and Law 9/2014 General on Telecommunications, the USER is informed that RA HERRERA CLINICA DENTAL SLP may send information by electronic means about products and services of interest to which you give your consent.

You may revoke this authorization at any time at

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